Slovakisk vin med danske værdier

Wine made on the basis of Danish values and Slovak quality

The team behind it

We are 24 owners and each contributes with our different skills, and not least our common strength in the form of a common passion, hard work and will. The group has been expanded in 2022, with a larger group of young people, children of the owners as well as outsiders, who all contribute time and desire to our wine project.

About us

Dom Vinique will challenge the perception of traditional wine by creating a unique Danish-Slovak taste experience of the highest quality

Slovakisk vin

Slovakiet er hidtil ikke et land som forbindes med verdenskendt vin. Dog bærer landet på en lang historie med en spetakulær mad og vinkultur. Med noget af europas mest berigede landbrugsjord, har det slovakiske folk længe forsynet hele kontinetet med mel, kød og... vin.

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