Dom Viniques etiketter
Alle vore etiketter har det samme kunsteriske udtryk og tilvejebragt i et samarbejde mellem Eske og Gitte Kath. Billedkunstner Eske Kath har skabt de oprindelige malerier. Fra disse malerier har plakatkunster Gitte Kath udvalgt forskellige udsnit som har et fælles udtryk, men varierer i farve afhængig af vintypen.

Gitte Kath
Gitte Kath is educated at the Design School in Kolding. For 50 years, she has been associated with Teater Møllen in Haderslev as a director, scenographer and worked as a poster artist. Gitte Kath continues to work with poster design and has several times been a member of the jury at the Center for Art, Architecture and Design at the University in e.g. Guadalajara and Taiwan. Her work is internationally recognized and is shown at poster biennales around the world.

Eske Kath
Eske Kath is educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. He has received several awards, including Statens Kunstfonds' three-year work grant (2007) and Goldschmidt's art grant (2014). His works can be found, among others, in the collections at Aros, HEART Museum and ARKEN, Sammlung Essl, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Vienna.
In 2011, Eske Kath was one of the artists who was invited to create art at Frederik VII's Palace at Amalienborg, where he was the only artist given the opportunity to decorate the ceiling in a meeting room.